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Singer bracelets

Singer bracelets

Want to wear a bracelet of your favourite singer and your favourite... 

More collections coming soon!

Some exciting stuff is happening and there will be more bracelets available to purchase shortly!

As of now, P!nk, Taylor Swift & AFL bracelets are available for purchase!

Sizing Information

How to find your wrist size? 

Grab a measuring tape and wrap the tape around your wrist, holding at the point where the tape meets, just like the picture below. 

The wrist size in the image above is roughly 16cm, which is equivalent to a Medium size. However, if you want your bracelet to sit a little loose, it is suggested that you size up .5 of a size. 

Not all bracelets are made exactly to the cm, they may be one or two cm over or under. 
The bracelets are made with a very stretchy string and do stretch a little bit. 

Women's Sizing: 

The average wrist of a woman is 14 - 17cm. 

14 - 14.5 cm or less wrist  = XS 
15 - 15.5 cm wrist = S 
16 - 16.5 cm wrist = M
17 - 17.5 cm wrist = L 

Men's Sizing: 

The average wrist of a man is 17 - 19cm 

17 - 17.5 cm or less wrist = XS  
18 - 18.5 cm = S 
19 - 19.5 cm = M
20 - 20.5 cm = L

Kids sizing: 

Most kids wrist sizes should be around 12-15cm therefore you can use the women's size guide as wrist sizes are similar. 

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